Who are we?
We are a Scout Group who’ve been operating in Cheltenham for over 100 years. We formed in 1910, celebrating our Centenary in 2010.
We’re based in Pittville Park, opposite the Central Cross Cafe. This means we’ve got plenty of access to facilities (and we’re usually full of ideas AND coffee/tea!)
All adult volunteers are DBS checked and we adhere to the POR of The Scouting Association.
Our Meetings
We have three sections: Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Beavers meet every Wednesday, 6pm to 7:30pm
Cubs meet every Monday, 6pm, to 7:15pm
Scouts meet alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30pm to 9pm
Unless otherwise stated, we normally meet at the Scout Hut.
Lest We Forget – A Memorial
During the existence of our group, we’ve had to say goodbye to a number of volunteers, friends, comerades – people at the core of our group, and our hearts. They made significant contributions to the group, without them 10th Cheltenham probably wouldn’t exist. These include: